Thanks for a Great Semester!
From Fr. Jeremy
As we approach the beginning of Christmas break, I want to thank everyone for making this another spirit-filled semester at CCUP! Our community of faith has continued to grow and has welcomed into our fold so many new faces this fall. I pray that our Advent preparation for Jesus’ birth is a fruitful one and that the Christmas season is filled with countless blessings of faith and family.
Special thank you to those who help with student dinners. This past Sunday, we hosted our final student dinner of the semester. I want to extend on behalf of myself and Kim Kunkle a very warm “Thank You” to the over 50 Permanent Community members who made 14 Sunday Night dinners possible for our students this semester. To those who prepared the meals for often over 150 students – thank you! We appreciate your time planning the menu, shopping, donating, and preparing the food and then serving it for our students to enjoy! To those who washed the dishes after each meal, often week after week – thank you! We appreciate your dedication to keeping our kitchen clean and allowing our students to eat with real dishes and silverware!
These Sunday night dinners serve a vital role in our parish – They help students feel comfortable inviting their friends to church; they communicate to students our investment in them as a parish and our welcoming atmosphere as a church community; they allow me to meet new students weekly who I otherwise might not have the opportunity to see during the week. All these reasons and more are why I am so grateful for the help and commitment of so many Permanent Community members who helped us successfully complete another semester of student dinners.
Blessed Advent,
Fr. Jeremy