A note from Fr. Jeremy

Miller-Father-Jeremy-webDear Friends in Christ,

It is hard for me to express how excited I am to have been appointed your pastor here at Corpus Christi. I know I stand in a long line of competent and faithful leaders who have served here, and I am humbled to hopefully share in that legacy. I am reminded almost on a daily basis that I do not deserve to be inheriting such a well-oiled machine!

The programs built here, the endowments funded here, the life in the liturgy here, and the student engagement here all precede me, and I feel almost guilty that I have walked into such a vibrant place.

As St. Paul said about the gospel spreading in Corinth, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God causes the growth” (1 Cor. 3:6). I think in many ways I find myself in the position of Apollos, simply watering and cultivating the seeds of faith that have already been planted at Corpus Christi. I pray that maybe I will plant some of my own seeds of faith that will blossom and be watered in the years ahead.

Most importantly, though, I want to give God the credit, for the fruit of our labor is primarily the result of the generative purposes of God.

Please feel free to reach out to me going forward. I look forward to meeting all of you in a very personal way and learning from you. While I can’t say that I will not make mistakes or that we will always see eye to eye on everything, I can assure you that I will exhaust myself serving you and will always be willing to listen.

Thank you for welcoming me into your community. May we grow together more fully into Corpus Christi, the Body of Christ.

Fr. Jeremy

Categories: Corpus Christi