Permanent Community

In addition to our college students, Corpus Christi University Parish boasts a thriving group of non-college students, which we call our Permanent Community!
See below for all our groups and events for our Permanent Community Members.
Toledo Symphony
Every fall Corpus Christi hosts the Toledo Symphony for a concert and Patrons’ Dinner. The funds raised from this event makes ministry and outreach to the Catholic students of the University possible. Please join us for a delightful evening of fellowship, entertainment and delicious food. Tickets go on sale starting in September.
We invite you to share your gifts to make our liturgical celebrations more meaningful for our parish community. Available liturgical ministries include Mass Coordinators, Greeters, Altar Servers, Music Ministry, Eucharistic Ministers, and Lectors. Please note that you will be scheduled based on your availability. One of our staff members can direct you to the right person to talk to for each of these ministries.
“The seven sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of Christian life: they give birth and increase, healing and mission to the Christian’s life of faith.” Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1210
We invite you to be a part of our Sacramental Life here at Corpus Christi. You can always call the parish office to schedule Sacraments like baptisms and weddings and you can click below to learn more!
Children’s Ministry
Bring your kids to CCUP! We offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word during Mass and Sacramental preparation for the Sacraments of First Communion, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation all taught by UT college students.
Prepare coffee and provide sweets, bagels or cookies for hospitality after the Sun. 11 a.m. Mass. Sign up for a date on the white board near the Hospitality table or contact the parish office for available dates.
Sunday Night Student Dinners
Every week during the semester, Permanent Community members host a meal for all students at the church after the 6:00 p.m. Mass on Sunday evenings. If you are willing to help prepare a meal with other Permanent Community members, please contact Hilary ( or 419-531-4992.
Pax Christi
Pax Christi is a peace and justice action group; they educate and challenge their members and others. At CCUP, Pax Christi sponsors Food for Others, Manna Bags, Winter Warmers, Claver House casseroles and book discussions. They are affiliated with Pax Christi USA (and through Pax Christi International), which promotes Christian non-violence, economic and racial justice, universal human rights, environmental protection and sustainability, and non-violent alternatives to war. They welcome all to attend a monthly meeting (generally on the first Sunday of the month at 12:15 p.m.) or contact Beth Schardt at for more information.