Donate to Corpus Christi
The way to make a one-time or consistent donation to our weekly collection and operating budget.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
EFT is a Fee-FREE way to make a re-occurring gift to the parish. To sign up for EFT for your offertory gift – Please print, fill out and mail this Authorization form – Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) PDF
Specific Funds
Support student mission trips and retreats!
Other gifts
**For symphony ticket payments, please navigate to the symphony web page.
Christian Leadership Program (CLP)
Other Payments
Scheduled Mass Intention Donations
Student Retreat Payments
** Note: If you choose to pay for retreat electronically, approx. $1 will be added to cover processing fees. If you do not want to pay electronically, cash or check (made out to Corpus Christi University Parish) can be turned into Hilary Lemon.
Men’s Weekend & Women’s Retreat