Busy Person’s Retreat

The Busy Person’s Retreat is a week of focused prayer and spiritual direction. It is perfect for students who have not been able to take a whole weekend away for a retreat this year, are interested in having more one-on-one spiritual help, and/or those looking to better spiritually prepare for Easter. Students will be assigned a spiritual director and will coordinate meeting times for the week with that person.
Time: Monday March 27 – Friday March 31 (various times)
Location: CCUP– 2955 Dorr St. Toledo, OH 43607
Cost: $5.00
You can register with a paper form found in the Gathering Space at CCUP or with this link: http://bit.ly/busyperson17
Please submit your registration information and payment by Monday, March 20, 2017.
Contact Kim Myers (kmyers@ccup.org) with any questions.
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