COVID Update for the Start of Fall Semester

Friends, with the emergence of the Delta variant, things have definitely changed over the last month or so; however, significant progress has been made from where we were at this time last year. I wanted to give you a short update on how I envision things going as the students arrive in the coming weeks.
Masks Remaining Optional
- Masks will remain optional at all Masses.
- Masks will be optional at all events at CCUP.
- Even though the University of Toledo has mandated masks in indoor settings on campus, they will not be mandated at CCUP since we are off campus and there is no state or diocesan mandate for masks.
My view has been from the beginning that we need to teach young people how to make their own risk calculations, not make decisions for them. In my mind, that includes students making their own decisions about masks and vaccines. I definitely understand the view of those who think that it is irresponsible and that I should be more aggressive in pushing these measures. I just don’t think about these issues in that way and so I have to respectfully disagree. It has been rewarding for me to hear from parishioners on both sides of these debates who have expressed to me their view that we have found a really good middle ground here at CCUP throughout this pandemic. I will continue to strive to make the most reasonable and prudent decisions I can.
Other Changes
4:30 P.M. Saturday Mass
- Music will return at the 4:30 Mass starting on August 28th. Thanks for your patience with my a capella singing for the last year and a half!
- As I introduced a few years ago, if UToledo has a mid-afternoon football game, the 4:30 p.m. Mass will move to 30 minutes after the game ends. I will update you on the one or two dates this might impact.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
- We are hoping to relaunch the Children’s Liturgy of the Word again starting this fall. More details to come as the semester gets underway.
Let us grow together in Christ,
Fr. Jeremy