Feast of Corpus Christi Potluck/Cookout

The Feast of Corpus Christi is Sunday, June 18th. To celebrate, we are having our annual potluck/cookout after the 11 a.m. Mass.
The parish will provide hamburgers and hotdogs. We invite permanent community members to bring a covered dish or dessert to share.
We are also in need of help setting up tables, chairs and food prep prior to the Mass the day and help with clean up afterwards.
For those willing to help, please sign up on the sheet in the Gathering Space or contact the office.
Farewell to Fr. Smith
The Feast of Corpus Christi will be Fr. Smith’s last weekend Mass at Corpus Christi. The Potluck afterwards will be an opportunity for people to express their thanks and to say goodbye to him.
Categories: events