Happy Easter!
This is the day the Lord hath made – Rejoice! And be glad in it.
Easter teaches us that there is always light in the midst of the darkness. There is always an empty tomb after the tragedy of death. There is always an Easter Sunday after a Good Friday.
We need that hope more than ever as we celebrate this Easter apart. While physically apart, we strive to remain spiritually united and close to the God who reaches out to touch us in different ways this Easter. As Bishop Thomas beautifully said in his Chrism Mass homily on Tuesday, “There is no social distancing with God.” Even though the sacraments are not readily available to us now, God reaches out in so many other ways to encounter Him and to inspire us to be the healing remedy for the needs of others.
May we never forget this Easter. The day when we felt so far apart from God and others, and yet strangely, never felt so close.
Stay safe and sane,
Fr. Jeremy Miller
Read the latest updates in our Easter Sunday bulletin
Categories: Corpus Christi, reflection