Building update: Replacement of our HVAC System

Over the past two years, we have had several discussions with Earl Mechanical regarding the lifespan of our HVAC system. Earl Mechanical installed our original systems in 1998 and has continued to maintain them. It was recommended as a pre-emptive measure to replace the buildings’ nine air handlers or in some cases their internal parts because they have exceeded their designed years of service.
Per the diocesan requirements with any capital expenditure over $30,000, we received three bids. We elected to go with Earl since they were the lowest bid, as well as their history with these systems. This decision was approved by the diocese as well as our Finance Council. We have approved funding for this project to come from our Building and Maintenance Fund as well as our Parish Long-Term Savings Fund.
We have divided the removal and installation into two phases, this month being the first phase and next year at this time the second phase. The first phase involves the HVAC units on the roof which will involve a large crane. The second phase, a year from now, will be the HVAC units on the ground.
– Fr. Jeremy, Pam Meseroll
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