Sermons on “Joy”


Are We There Yet?

Homily from the Third Sunday of Advent, Sunday, December 17, 2023.

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Reason for Hope

Homily from the weekend of May 14, 2023.

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Epiphany: Keeping our Eyes Upward

Father Jeremy Miller: The Magi today give us a great image of keeping our eyes up and our spirits up in the midst of what can be difficult circumstances surrounding us.

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Christmas: Baby on Board

Father Jeremy Miller: In this world we live in, there is a special baby on board, there is a special traveler with us in this life.

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Advent: The Ark of the Covenant

Deacon Justin Moor: We come here today to draw near to Jesus, to let our hearts and souls become a womb where Jesus can come and grow.

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Advent: The Wheel of our Fortune

Father Jeremy Miller: No matter where we’re at, we can always have the security and trust, joy and peace, as long as we keep Jesus in the center.

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God’s Daily Portion for Us

Father Jeremy Miller: “Are we content with God’s daily provision for us?”

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Pentecost: Holy Spirit Moments

Deacon Justin Moor: When was the last time you noticed the Holy Spirit at work in or around you?

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A different kind of Easter

Father Jeremy Miller: There is no social distancing with God.

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Christmas: God has already found us

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s let ourselves be found by God, the one who is already searching for us.

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