Staff Udpates

Friends, I wanted to share with you some exciting news! Some of you may have heard (or observed!) that both Hilary and Kim are pregnant! This is so exciting and a beautiful blessing that our Corpus Christi family will grow!
Hilary is due on December 1st, and so she will be away from the parish from approximately Thanksgiving time until the second week of March. A number of students and recent alums are stepping up to fill some of her important roles. Sr. Kelley Rush, SND, is helping on the retreats that Hilary will miss. We will do our best to continue serving our students the best we can in her absence.
Kim is due at the beginning of April and will be away from the parish through the spring and summer months. This pregnancy has come after quite a journey for Kim and her husband Sam with fertility issues. This is a common struggle for many couples, and I know that Kim would be happy to talk with anyone impacted by this.
We are still working on a game plan to fill Kim’s role during the months that she is away.
I believe very strongly in fully paid maternity leave as a part of a holistic pro-life position. I want Hilary and Kim to know that their work is not in competition with their primary vocation as wives and mothers.
Since they are incredible at what they do in ministry, it is possible that a few things get missed or a few more things get added to my plate. Please be patient with us during this 8 or 9 month stretch. We will do our best! And please keep Kim and Hilary in your prayers for safe deliveries and healthy babies!
Fr. Jeremy
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