Sermons on “Forgiveness”


Forgiving as God Forgives

Homily from the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Sunday, September 17, 2023

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The Holy Spirit as the New Torah

Homily from the weekend of May 28, 2023

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Recklessness, Hopelessness, and Bitterness

Homily from Sunday, September 11, 2022

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Palm Sunday: The Process of Forgiveness

Father Jeremy Miller: “The cross does not say that pain and suffering go away. The cross promises to neutralize the pain, put it on God’s terms.”

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The Parable of the Lost

Father Jeremy Miller: Let’s seek wherever we find ourselves and see ourselves in the parable, that we will run toward the embrace of our heavenly Father.

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Family Life and Love

Father Jeremy Miller: Family Love teaches us how to find redeeming qualities in people you would have never chosen in the first place.

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Breaking Open Our Hearts

Father Jeremy Miller: At every Mass, God breaks open his heart for us, precisely that we will have the power and strength in the coming week to break open our hearts in love of others.

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Divine Mercy Sunday: Mercy Football

Deacon Justin Moor: Experience the gift of this sacrament Jesus gave to us in today’s Gospel reading. His divine mercy is truly amazing.

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Holy Thursday: F.E.E.T.

Father Jeremy Miller: Four things Jesus teaches us at the Last Supper: Forgiveness, Empathy, avoiding Entitlement, and Teaching (F.E.E.T.).

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How to love

Father Jeremy Miller: Unless we have an authentic, healthy self-love, it hurts how we love others. We project onto our love of neighbor the ways that other people have wounded us in terms of loving us.

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