Sermons on “Money”


Focusing on How

Father Jeremy Miller: What matters is not just what we do, but how we do it.

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The Doughnut

Deacon Justin Moor: This doughnut was originally created to be holey and each of us were created to be holy.

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Salt and Light

Fr. Alan Zobler: What kind of ways are we going to share and be responsible stewards, and truly embrace the call to be salt and to be light for our world?

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The Greatest Poverty

Father Jeremy Miller: The opposite of poverty is not wealth. It’s community. The opposite of poverty is not affluence. It’s relationships.

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The Biblical take on Wealth

Father Jeremy Miller: God wants us to be responsible with our financial resources.

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Seeking out Spiritual Wisdom over Wealth

Father Philip Smith: We’re challenged by Jesus to take the next step in our spiritual lives, to live lives filled with great spiritual wisdom.

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